Look at the Christmas cake my daughter made for our family party this year!!
Isn't it gorgeous? She made all the decorations and they are all completely edible. The cake itself was really nice too although we were too full of all the other treats to do it justice.
We are in France right now sorting out a few things at our house here and having a few days recuperation after the excesses of Christmas although I'm sure there will be lots of over-indulging tonight at the New Year's Eve party my niece is organizing for us. We are staying overnight with my sister and brother-in-law at their house about 2 hours further south in the Charente.
I'm hoping to be able to use the journey time to make a good start on the second sock I'm making in Fleece Artist sock merino colour pinata. This wool is lovely to work with and the colours stunning. I'm also in the middle of a chevron camisole in Colinette Giotto colour Castagna. I had hoped to be wearing this tonight but although I may finish the knitting it won't be put together in time. Photos of both of these when we get back here on New Year's Day. And the Forest Canopy Shawl just on the needles in Hand Maiden Lace Silk.
There is a lot to be said for knitting one thing at a time when the yarns are so different because it takes ages for my fingers to adjust to flitting from one to the other especially from Giotto on 8mm to lacesilk on 3.75 mm.
The dial-up is really slow here making reading blogs/blogging and forumming very difficult. You get so used to the immediacy of broadband and my patience is tested to the extreme waiting for pages to open - some of which just don't.
Hope you all have a lovely evening tonight and to all of you a very happy and healthy 2007.
My gosh, this cake looks amazing - and so yummy! Fantastic job by your daughter!
Have a very happy, healthy and peaceful New Year - it was so nice "meeting" you in 2006 and reading your blog entries - I'm looking forward to many, many more!
All the best to you and your family!
That sure is a stunningly good-looking cake! How clever your daughter is - I'd love to be able to do that.
Have a great break and a very happy (and healthy) 2007.
The cake looks fabulous, almost too good to eat!!
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